Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Hey, a sacrifice to volvo

I have been really busy with work, so I haven't had a lot of time to work on the truck. I did manage to order a new set of plug wires though. I thought that maybe if I gave the ol' FJ40 a small gift it might start for me, similar to praying Volvo the Norse god of cars. With my twenty five dollar sacrifice to Volvo secured I hooked up th main ignition wire, no dice. The bootie on the wire that that keeps water out of the ignition coil was a bit too small and kept slipping off and certainly would not stay on while the engine is running. Thinking perhaps the Norse gods were a step in the wrong direction I muttered a small desperate prayer to Subaru the Shinto god of all wheel drive. With my fervent love for Subaru's I thought that the blessed Deity might be able to pull a few strings for me. Sadly I was mistaken, the old gods are truly dead, or maybe I need to buy a fifty dollar set of plug wires. Volvo's are pretty expensive.

mood: 5
optimism: 6
faith in old dead gods: 2.5

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